Hello Geeks, How are you today ? Recently i published an article on Xposed Framework introduction and now i have come with a list of some cool xposed framework modules.
As i have already tell you that Xposed Framework is a great way to improve your Android experience after rooting.
How To Root Android Phone or Tablet Without PC and Custom Recovery
It offers many tweaks and modifications that can easily be installed.In order to use these modules, you need to install Xposed Framework on your Android phone or tablet.
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Best Xposed Modules
X Privacy
XPrivacy, can prevent apps from sharing privacy-sensitive data. This is done by sending fake or no data at all to the app that is requesting this information.
Most of the times some apps require certain types of data that you might not want to disclose before you can install the app. If you value your privacy, XPrivacy, is able to protect it without much hassle.
Gravity Box
Gravity Box is the father of all Xposed modules and offers tons of visual adjustments features. This module includes, the following tweaks for your Android device:
- Lockscreen
- Statusbar
- Navigation bar
- Power
- Display
- Phone
- Media
- Launcher
Running stock Android in combination with GravityBox is like running a stable and perfect custom ROM.It comes different for different versions of android.
Also Checkout :: Cool CyanogenMod Features Needed to be in Stock Android
Tinted Status Bar
Tinted Status Bar adjusts the color of your status bar depending on the app you are using at the moment.
Boot Manager
Choose the app you want to prevent running upon system startup using BootManager. This will help to reduce slow booting times.
Android Phone Vibrator
This will allow your Android phone to vibrate whenever a call is connected or disconnected upon calling.In some phones this feature comes pre built but which do not have this feature then this module is best.
App Settings
This module allows you to change per-app generic settings such as DPI, rotation, app behavior, full-screen etc.Best customization per app.
YouTube Adaway
Remove YouTube ads from the official Android YouTube app.
Network Speed Indicator
Display download speeds in the status bar whenever the device is fetching data.
Dynamic Notification
Light up Android device screen discreetly to show notifications without unlocking the lock screen.
MultiZone Clock
Display 2 clocks with different timezones right in the status bar.
Also Checkout :: Cool CyanogenMod Features Needed to be in Stock Android
Share your favorite Xposed Modules and keep visiting us for more tweaks.
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